Sunday, December 9, 2012

On Track and Online

It's offical, I'm on the Dancing Lotus Center website!  Check out my brief bio at  Having the DLC as a host has been great.  Their facility is so beautiful and welcoming in and of itself you can't help but to want to move and be joyous. 

I feel as though I'm starting to find my groove with teaching.  The more I get to work with different students I learn new things from them that then help to guide my classes.  I love it when I have engaging students that as "why?" or "what?"  They challenge me and these questions help to drive the class in a direction they want to go, even if it's not what I had planned.

In other exciting news I'm starting to work on a new piece.  And by starting to work I mean it's in the very early, brain child stages.  I have an outline of what it will be and some soundscore ideas I've shared with dear friend and musician Tyler Knapp.  I'm not ready to share too much, but oddly enough I already have a title:  Getting to Know Jerry.

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